where are you?, he asked.
HERE, she answered.
where is HERE?, he asked.
HERE is where I am, where YOU are, where WE are, she answered.
I can’t see you, he said.
then you’re not really HERE, she replied.
how can I be HERE?, he asked.
not much you have to do, really. just ALLOW YOURSELF TO ARRIVE, she said.
it was really that simple.
and he finally saw her.
suddenly she saw the picture clearly,
knew how it would feel,
knew it was supposed to be.
‘Great, now I can just allow it to happen.’
and so it did.
I don’t know why or how,
but I KNOW
-which is more relevant.
what if
it is not what you do [with people]
but how you are [with people]
that creates the magic radiating from you?
stealing secrets moments today.